SOILWORK Unable To Make Dallas Show

March 3, 2008

Swedish metallers SOILWORK have been forced to cancel tonight's (Monday, March 3) Dallas concert at The Door with THROWDOWN, THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD and WAR OF AGES. The group's tour manager has released the following statement on the matter:

"SOILWORK regret missing the show but the weather conditions prevented us from making the near 700-mile drive to the show from our previous night's headline show. We were stopped by an ice storm that nearly caused our bus to crash in the middle of the night. The roads could not be travelled. We are currently stranded in western Texas where there was an ice storm last night and everything is covered in ice. It actually started in New Mexico and I am surprised we even got this far. The roads are not drivable. They are all iced over and all cars and trucks are pulled off until they thaw. Being we are still close to 500 miles away and the temperature is not due to rise for hours, our driver won't drive. The wind is strong and the bus was literally sliding off the highway with all the ice and we were only driving 15 mph. Last night we almost flipped the bus trying to navigate these roads and the bus actually turned sideways sliding down, causing it to almost flip over. Looks like it snows in Texas when the Swedes come over here. Very rare."

THROWDOWN, THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD and WAR OF AGES will play tonight's show as scheduled.

SOILWORK recently parted ways with guitarist Ola Frenning. It was felt that Ola resisted the demands of the road and found it difficult to come to terms with the amount of touring scheduled. Guitarist David Andersson is filling in on the band's "Scum Of The Earth" U.S. tour with THROWDOWN. The group will then tour Australia, Japan and Southeast Asia before returning to Europe for festivals and a headlining U.S. tour in the fall.

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